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Daily Bible Chapters | April 29 | Job 21 | Job 22 | Job 23
What Does the Bible say about the Wicked Living Long and Good?
Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  -   Please LIKE us on Facebook 


Job 21:

Job said he would speak and when he is done, they could laugh.  He told his friends that the wicked lives long, have power and wealth, their children are progressives, their investments grow, but God does nothing to harm them.  The wicked despise God, they ask him why they should worship him, they reject the knowledge of him, and keep their destiny in their own hands.  Job claims some would say that God saves the punishment for the children of the wicked, but does the wicked care about what happens to their children after they die?  He insists that the wicked should suffer in God's hand and let them see their own destruction.  He then ask his friends if they have not seen the wicked die in peace and their tomb guarded.  In other words, Job is saying, if he was wicked like his friends claim, he should be living a good and long life on earth, not the sorrow he has found himself in.

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Job 22:

Eliphaz asks Job if God takes pleasure when he is right or is there any benefit to God if he was blameless.  He insists that Job has been wicked that is why he is been punished.  He advises Job to return to God and keep God words in his heart.  He recommend that Job should humble himself before God to pray, and see how God will deliver him.  Despite the fact that Eliphaz feels that Job must have been wicked, he offers him a way to redemption.  May be Job should have done so rather than claim to be blameless, or maybe he did already. 

Job 23:

Job says he is convinced that if he could see and talk to God that God will judge him and find he is blameless.  He claims he has searched for God everywhere, but God is nowhere to be found.  He believes God never changes and God will know that he has followed his waysJob is assured that at the end of it all, when God is tired of him, God will still do for him was God appointed for him and he will come out as gold.  Despite all the evil that has befallen Job, he believes at the end of it all, the goodness of God will shine on him if he hold on to God.  So Job understands that his agony is just a trial of his faith.  What separates Job from many others is that he understands how God works, but many do not.

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