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Daily Bible Verses | August 10 | Jeremiah 21 | Jeremiah 22 | Jeremiah 23
What Does the Bible say about God being All about Justice?
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Jeremiah 21:

The Great King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon invaded Judah and King Zedekiah of Judah sent a request to Jeremiah through his priests hoping that God will rescue Judah.  Jeremiah tells them that God was going to join Babylon against Judah, nothing will be left in Judah, all will be put to the sword except those that surrender to be taken as slaves to Babylon, and Jerusalem will be destroyed by fireEven God will destroy his own for disobedience

Jeremiah 22:

God sent Jeremiah to the king of Judah, the officials, and the people who come through the palace gates that they must do what is right and just.  God insists that the oppressed must be supported.  Also, foreigners, widows, and the fatherless should not be harmed, and innocent blood should not be spilledGod warmed the kings of Judah who sat on David's throne earlier that if they obey the above commands they would prosper, but if not, their palace would be a ruin.  At the end, nations would ask why God did this to Judah and their capital, Jerusalem, and the response would be that Judah forsook God for other gods. 

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Jeremiah 23:

God cursed the nations that scattered his people without care for themEven though God allowed punishment for Judah's disobedience, but the conquering nations were mercilessGod says a time would come when God will raise a branch of righteousness from David called the "Lord our Righteousness" (Jesus), who will bring justice and fairness to the land.  God is also tired of false and lying prophets who tell dreams and prophesizes in God's name falsely.  God is going to disgrace them and bring them everlasting shame because they lead people astray.

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