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Daily Bible Verses | August 8 | Jeremiah 15 | Jeremiah 16 | Jeremiah 17
What Does the Bible say about Forgiveness Only Coming After Repentance?
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Jeremiah 15:

God told Jeremiah that even if Moses and Samuel came and pleaded for Judah, God would not pity them.  God told Jeremiah to send Judah away from him and when they ask where to go, he was to tell them that they belonged to death, the sword, starvation, and captivity.  God also said that he would forgive Judah if they repent.

Jeremiah 16:

God told Jeremiah not to marry or have children in the land because they were all going to dieHe was also instructed not to eat, mourn, or sympathize with them because God had removed his love, blessing, and pity from the people.  God insists that he was going to bring great disaster upon them and enslave them in a strange land to really serve other gods because their fathers rejected God and his laws for others gods.  God says that despite the fact that this generation were more wicked than their fathers, he will eventually restore them if they repent.

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Jeremiah 17:

Judah's sin was so great that even the children know the idol's altars. God was going to give all the treasures and wealth of Judah up for plunder, even his mountainCursed is the man that trust and depend on man and flesh rather than GodSo cursed are those who rely on race, gender, religion, and secret organizations rather than God.  God also insists that Judah keep the Sabbath day holy.  It is a day of rest and dedication to God, rather than doing business or seeking money.

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