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Daily Bible Verses | December 17 | 1 John 2 | 1 John 3
New Testament Teaches How Christians Learn to Hate God
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1 John 2:

Jesus is the one that speaks to God on behalf of those who believe in Jesus as the human sacrifice of blood for all humans.  We are with Jesus if we follow and obey his commands, and God's love is truly complete in the person.  If you are saved in Christ, but hate your brother that you can see and touch, then you are not of ChristThose who love matters of the world (money, promotions, status, power), are not of God because the cravings of sex, lust for money, and boasting of power and status does not come from God, but the world.  The world and its desires will not last, unlike the one who does God's will.  In the last days the anti-Christ will come and many many are here already.  You know the time has come when those that were once with us did not really belong to us (even the Church will begin to preach against God and accept what God hates)The lair and the godless is the one that denies that Jesus is the Christ and such a man is the anti-Christ who denies both God and Jesus. Whoever has Jesus also has God.  Let the anointing of God through the Holy Spirit teach you all things that is real in God and not people.    

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1 John 3:

God's love is so great that we are called God's children, so the world do not recognize us because they hate Jesus and God.  At the end of time when Jesus appears, we will be like Jesus and be purified in him. If you are in Christ, you stop sinning.  Those who keep sinning are of the devil. Jesus came to destroy the devil's work and anyone who does not do God's will or love his brother is not of GodTo put love of money, promotion, and status ahead of truth is to hate God and your brother.  Do not be like Cain who killed his brother because he was evil and God loved his good brother.  You have passed from death to life because we love our brother. Whoever hates his brother is a murderer who has no eternal life (but stay away from bad and sinful brothers).   Love in deed and truth, so help others in need when you can.  We know we are in truth whenever our hearts condemn us to God (your conscience) and we repent because God knows our hearts.  You heart will not condemn you when you are right with God if you legitimately have a conscience. 

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