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Daily Bible Verses | December 18 | 1 John 4 | 1 John 5
New Testament Teaches How to Identify Humans With God's Spirit
Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  -   Please LIKE us on Facebook 

1 John 4:

Test every spirit to see if it comes from or represents God because many false prophets are now in the world in God's name.  The anti-Christ and false prophets never agrees that Jesus came in the flesh from God to die for our sin. Those in God and Jesus have overcome the worldWe are of God and the godly listens to us, but they are of the world and the godless listens to them.  Let us love each other because love comes from God and those who know God always loves.  Anyone who acknowledges Jesus as the son of God who died for our sins in order to reconcile us to God live in God and God live in him. God has given such a person his Spirit so we all rely on the love God has for us.  Love has no fear and love chases away fear. It is this love that makes us complete that also gives us confidence of the judgment day.  You cannot love the invincible God, but hate your visible brother.  Such a person is a lair. God commands that if you love God then you must love your brother (but stay away from the godless brothers who steals, lies, kills, slanders, and are greedy for money).       

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1 John 5:

We show God that we love God by carrying out God's command.  Those who love God and are born of God believe that Jesus is God's son in the flesh and those who love God the father loves God the son as wellOnly those who believe in Jesus have overcome the world and it is only those born of God through faith in Jesus.  Jesus came into the world by water and by blood, as well as the Spirit of God that testifies in truth.  All three, water, blood, and spirit, testify about Jesus as son of God in agreement - all of creation came out of water, blood is the life in humans, and the God's Spirit is the spirit of the godly human.  God's testimony is superior to human's testimony.  God's testimony is that those who are in Jesus Christ are the ones with eternal life, so only those who have Jesus by faith in his death and resurrection has eternal life. If we obey God's will, he will listen to us and provide all that we ask for.  Pray for brothers that do sins that do not lead to death (sin that affected other severely are losing their marriage, going to jail, losing their job, or got killed because of another).  The world is under the control of Satan, but the ones in God through Jesus are safe.  

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