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Daily Bible Verses | December 21 | Revelation 2 | Revelation 3
New Testament Teaches: Satan Resides in the Synagogue But Influence Church
Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  -   Please LIKE us on Facebook 

Revelation 2:

To the angel of the Ephesus Church (Turkey). Jesus holds seven stars in his right hand and walks among seven golden lampstands.  Jesus knows your deeds, handwork, perseverance, and rejection of godless men after testing to know that they are false.  So every church has an angel that represents it to God before Jesus.  You have endured Jesus' name in hardship and have not given up on Jesus, but have fallen from its first love for Christ.  This means that they are living the Christian life by principle, but have not been spending time in God's word through prayer, worship, and fellowship. You need to fuel yourself with and in God to validate your Christian life. Jesus wants the angel of Ephesus to repent or lose the position of its lampstand. Only those who overcome will have the right to eat from the tree of life in God's Paradise. 

To the angel of Smyrna Church (Turkey). Jesus, the first and the last, told the angel that he has seen his pain and poverty, yet is very rich. Jesus see the slander of those who say they are Jews, but are not and worship in Satan's synagogue (blind supporters of Israel for money and acceptance).  Fear not what you are about to sufferers because Satan will test your faith by putting you in prison and will persecute you for ten days.  Be faithful to the point of death and I will reward you with a crown of life in order to avoid the second death (hell). Do what is right in God through God's Spirit in Jesus even if it means death.  

To the angel in Pergamum Church (Turkey). Jesus has a sharp double-edged sword and told the angel that the angel has been faithful despite the fact that he resides where Satan has his throne and put to death Jesus' witness.  You have members who still follow Balaam, who taught people to eat sacrifice to idols and perform sexual sins.  Jesus will come to fight against them with his sword of his month.  Those who overcome will get hidden manna (food) and white stone with his name on it.  Do what is right in God and Jesus will battle the godless among us.

To the angel of Thyatira Church (Turkey). Jesus has eyes of fire and feet of burnt bronze. Jesus sees their steadfastness, dedication, deeds, love, and faith, and  doing even more than before for God.  They follow a prophetess to eat food for idols and perform sexual sins. Unless she repents, as well as her followers, they will all suffer.  Her children will die and each follower will pay for their deed.  With Jesus' authority from God, he encourages the rest not follow her teachings of deep Satanic secrets, but to hold on to faith in Jesus.

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Revelation 3:

To the angel of Sardis Church (Turkey).  Jesus holds seven spirits of God and the seven stars. Jesus knows their deeds and they are known for being alive, but are dead.  Wake up and strengthen up, or it will die. Your deeds are not complete in GodRepent or you will not know when I will come like a thief and cut you off.  Yet, few of you have been blameless in your walk with Jesus and those who overcome will dress in white, have the name in the book of life, and be acknowledge before God and his angels. 

To the angel of Philadelphia Church (Turkey). Jesus is holy and true, and hold the key of David.  No one can open the door Jesus closes or close the door he opens.  God has opened a door for them because they have little strength, but they have being faithful to Jesus.  Those in the synagogue of Satan will come and bow before you because I love you, and they are liars who pretend to be Jews but are not (supporters of the Jews who lair about Israel in order to deceive followers of Jesus - many Christian radio moderators, Republican Christian right, and pastors who preach for Jewish money).  Since you they have been faithful,  Jesus was going to prevent them from a hour of suffering that will test the faith of the whole world. So God allows temptation and can regulate or stop it. Whoever overcomes will be a pillar in God's temple, he will never leave it, and Jesus will write on him the name of God, his name, as well as God's city - the new Jerusalem from heaven.

To the angel of Laodicea Church (Turkey).  The words of Amen (Jesus) the ruler of God's creation.  The church is lukewarm, which is neither cold or hot, and Jesus wants to spit them out of his mouth because it is better to either be cold or hot.  They think that they are rich, but are very poor and wretched.  Jesus wants them to buy from him in order that they can become rich, cover their nakedness, and can see.  Jesus only rebukes and disciplines who he loves.  Jesus stands at the door and knocks and whoever hears and opens, that is the one Jesus will come and eat with.  To him that overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne just like Jesus sits with God on God's throne.

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