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Daily Bible Verses | December 23 | Revelation 6 | Revelation 7
New Testament Teaches: Gentiles are Saved and Jews are Servants in Heaven
Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  -   Please LIKE us on Facebook 

Revelation 6:

Jesus opened the first seal and a rider on the white horse  (Europe) rode out to conquer with a bow and a crown.  As Jesus opened the second seal, a rider on a red horse (Asia) got the power to take peace and and make war with a large sword.  Jesus opened the third seal and a rider on a black horse (Africa) had a weight scale to measure wages in days to signify judgment.  Jesus opened the fourth seal and the rider was death on a pale horse and Hades followed behind. Death and Hades were given power over 25% of the earth to kill by war, famine, plague, and wild beasts.  When Jesus opened the fifth seal those that were killed because to the word of God were crying out to God demanding justice from beneath the altar of GodGod gave each of them a white robe to wear and asked that they wait a little longer until those to be executed because of God was complete.  Jesus opened the sixth seal and a great earthquake occurred, which made the sun turn black, moon changed to blood, starts fell from the sky, mountains moved, and the sky rolled up.  Every creature would go into hiding from God and Jesus in the caves because the day of judgment has come.    

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Revelation 7:

Four angels stood by the four corners of the earth and prevented the wind from blowing on the land, sea, and trees.  Another angel came with God's seal and instructed the four angels who had the power to harm all the earth not to do so until a seal was placed on the forehead of God's servants.  144,000 people were sealed from the 12 tribes of Israel and a great multitude of people that no one could count from every Gentile nation stood before God's throne and Jesus with white robes and palm branches in hand while praising God.  The Jews were the servants and the Gentiles were the children of God.  All the angels worshipped God and the multitudes in white robe were the Christians who followed the blood of Jesus and survived the great tribulation. The saved in Jesus will serve God forever and remain in God rest and glory forever.

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