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Daily Bible Verses | February 14 | Deuteronomy 32 | Deuteronomy 33 | Deuteronomy 34 | Joshua 1
Deuteronomy Teaches Be Careful Not to Worship your Blessings From God
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Deuteronomy 32:

Trust God and serve him.  Analyze how far you have come and know that God has been good to you, if you knew him at allBe careful not to worship the very things God blessed you with.  After God blesses you with money, wealth, spouse, children, and precious things, be careful not to allow these things define you and become your gods.  God is swift to action and he will always cleanse evil from the land.

Deuteronomy 33:

Reuben will live but will be few in number, bring Judah to his people and help fight his enemies, Levi will teach the rules and laws of God, Benjamin is the beloved of God that rest in his safety, Joseph will have the finest and most abundant harvest of things, Zebulun and Issachar will go out and prosper, Gad will fight and execute the justice of God, Dan is the lion's cub, Naphtali will possess the lake and south, and Asher will be the favorite amongst his brothers.       

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Deuteronomy 34:

Moses, an African raised in the house of the African Pharaohs, stood on a high place and God showed him all the land he promised his Arab fathers (Abraham, Isaac, and Israel), who became Africans after many centuries of living in Canaan and Egypt as well as marrying their (African) women.  Moses saw the promised land but did not enter it.  He died at 120 years and Joshua became leader of Israel.

Joshua 1:

God commands Joshua to be strong and courageous.  He was to lead Israel to possess the land and wherever his feet touched belonged to him and IsraelJoshua was to meditate on God's word frequently and not let the word depart from his mouth.          

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