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Daily Bible Verses | January 23 | Exodus 39 | Exodus 40 | Leviticus 1 | Leviticus 2
Leviticus Teaches Rules of Burnt and Grain Offerings
Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  -   Please LIKE us on Facebook 

Exodus 39:

Priestly garments were made along the the Ephod and the breast pieces. Moses also inspects the tabernacle.       

Exodus 40:

Moses sets up the tabernacle.             

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Leviticus 1:

God gives Moses the rules for burnt offering.  It has to be a male animal without defect.  The priest have to sprinkle the blood on the altar and fire is set on the altar to burn the cut pieces of the animal.  If offering a bird, it should be a dove or pigeon, and the blood is drained on the side of the altar.  The aroma from burn offering is very pleasing to God.              

Leviticus 2:

Grain offering must be grinded into fine flour, pour oil on it, and put incense on it.  It should be given to the priests who will take a handful from it to burn on the altar.  The rest of the grain offering belongs to the priestsGrain offering is the most holy part of burnt offering and its aroma is pleasing to God.    

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