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Daily Bible Verses | July 1 | Proverbs 18 | Proverbs 19 | Proverbs 20
Proverbs Teaches Focus On Money Displaces God
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Proverbs 18:

An unfriendly man seeks selfish ends.  It is bad to favor the wicked and deprive the innocent of justiceThe lazy is the same as the one who destroys (those who bear false witness or ignore truth because of money from others).  The wealthy puts faith in his fortified city assuming that the wall is not scalable. The tongue has the power of life and death.  He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and there is a friend closer than a brother.

Proverbs 19:

It is useless to have zeal without knowledge, so always does your research before you investA man's stupidity ruins him, yet he blames God.  A false witness will always pay for it.  The poor is shunned by his relatives, but the rich has many friends.  So try never to be poor or show it.  It is not fitting for a fool or slave to live in luxury because it is the easiest way to destroy a people; just empower and enrich to fools and the next generation will disregard wisdomA wise man’s patience overlooks an offenseWealth is from man, but a good spouse is from GodA false witness mocks justice and celebrates evil, so they must pay the penalty.

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Proverbs 20:

God detests unequally justice and scales.  A godless buyer says that it not good to discourage you, but goes on to brag about the purchase.  A fool puts up security for a stranger and pledges for a wayward woman.  God determines the steps of the godly, not the godly.  A wise king destroys the wicked

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