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Daily Bible Verses | July 14 | Isaiah 6 | Isaiah 7 | Isaiah 8
Isaiah Teaches Prophecy of Immanuel Not Jesus
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Isaiah 6:

The year King Uzziah died, Isaiah saw God in his glory.  Isaiah cried because he had unclean lips and lived among unclean people, but one of the winged creatures took hot coal and touched his mouth, so his sins were forgiven.  God sent Isaiah to Israel to tell them that they will be punished for their disobedienceTheir cities and lands will be destroyed and they will be exiled.

Isaiah 7:

When Israel and Aram attacked Jerusalem in Judah, they could not overpower it.  Even the tribe of Ephraim joined them.  So God sent Isaiah and his son to Ahaz, king of Judah, to assure him that Judah will be intact because the attack will not take placeGod makes it clear that the greatness of nations and peoples is just their capitals, and the greatness of capitals is merely a person (king)In order words, deal with the king and you change and influence a nation or people’s destiny.  God told Ahaz to test him with a sign, but Ahaz submitted to his faith in God.  God insisted that he will send a sign and it will be that a virgin will have a son called Immanuel (God with us).  Many think it is the prophesy for Jesus to come, but they are dead wrongGod further said that before that child grows to know right from wrong, the invading nations will be laid to waste by Assyria and this took place in the next chapter

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Isaiah 8:

God told Isaiah to write the name that means “quick to plunder, swift to spoil” on paper and the name was given to a son of a virgin prophetess.  God then promised that before he grows up to say dad and mum, the wealth of the invading nations will be carried off to AssyriaSo if it takes less than two years for a son to know and call his parents, then this prophecy of Immanuel cannot be for Jesus that came centuries after the fact.  Then God told Isaiah that the Assyrians will overflow the invading nation like a mighty flood.  God spoke to Isaiah again with a heavy hand upon him and told him to only fear and respect God and disregard anything else that threatens the people

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