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Daily Bible Verses | July 15 | Isaiah 9 | Isaiah 10 | Isaiah 11
Isaiah Teaches God Is With Judah Not Israel
Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  -   Please LIKE us on Facebook 


Isaiah 9:

A people walking in darkness have seen a great light and God has enlarged the nation.  A child is born and will reign on the throne of David forever in Judah (Jesus).  God was going to destroy Israel with Arameans from the east and the Philistines from the west (Africa).  No matter what, Israel will always refuse to repent.  So God will cut Israel off and ignore their widows, youths, and fatherless.  Manasseh and Ephraim will turn against each other and then ultimately turn against Judah.  God will still punish Israel.  Of the 12 tribes of Israel, only Judah and Benjamin made up Judah and the rest was Israel.  The capital of Judah was Jerusalem and it has the city and the throne of David from where Jesus originates.  God’s prophecy and interest is with Judah and not IsraelChildren of God must focus on God and not Israel.

Isaiah 10:

Cursed are those who make unjust laws, issue oppressive decrees, as well as deprive the poor, widows, and fatherless of their rights.  Where would you hide your ill-gotten riches when disaster comes on the day of reckoning?  Cursed are the Assyrians, who are the rod of my anger that I use against godless nations.  I send them to plunder and trample upon others, but their intent is to destroy and put an end to many nations.  God will deal with Assyria after he is done with Jerusalem and Damascus.  God subdues world leaders and plunders the nation’s wealth.  A day will come when the remnant of Israel will not look up to the Assyrians, but to God because the oppression from the Assyrians would end when God directs his anger towards them.   

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Isaiah 11:

A shoot will come from Jesse that will possess the fear, understanding, wisdom, power, and delight of God and would also judge with fairness, justice, and righteousness (Jesus).  The carnivores will be at peace and dwell with the herbivores because the entire earth will be filled with the knowledge of God.  On that day (end of times), the remnant of the real Jews (Africans) will return from slavery and exile from the four corners of the earth to conquer all their oppressive nations

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