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Daily Bible Verses | July 2 | Proverbs 21 | Proverbs 22 | Proverbs 23
Proverbs Teaches No Exploits of the Poor and Oppressed
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Proverbs 21:

God has the king’s heart in his hand.  Being godly is more acceptable to God than sacrifice.  Snobbish eyes and a proud heart are the lamps of the wicked that leads to sins.  Wealth made by deceitful lips is like disappearing vapor.  Better to live in a roof corner or a desert than with a quarrelsome wife.  Punish the mocker and wicked, the children get wisdomA righteous man watches the house of the wicked and brings them to ruin.  He that ignores the poor will also be ignored by others when he needs help. The godless and wicked become a ransom for the godly. 

Proverbs 22:

A good name is superior to riches.  God made both the rich and poor.  Humility and reverence of God brings wealth, honor, and life.  The godly with a gracious speech will even have the king as a friend.  God watches over knowledge.  He who oppresses the poor or give gifts to the rich in order to increase and build wealth will both come to poverty. Never exploit the poor or crush the need in court because God will plunder you.  Never put up security for debts except for your children.  A skilled man serves kings.

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Proverbs 23:

Do not crave the delicacies when you eat with rulers.  Never wear yourself out to get richNever withhold discipline from a child or cheat the fatherlessNever envy sinners or their wealth.  Never join the drunkard or glutton for they lead to poverty. 

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