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Daily Bible Verses | July 26 | Isaiah 42 | Isaiah 43 | Isaiah 44
Isaiah Teaches Why Others Support Israel
Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  -   Please LIKE us on Facebook 


Isaiah 42:

God says here is his chosen one (Jesus) that will bring justice to the nations. 

Isaiah 43:

God called Israel by name and have chosen it.  Yet, Israel gladly rejects God despite the fact that God has turned his face against their sinsGod is going to destroy Israel.

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Isaiah 44:

God has chosen Israel and will bless it to the extent that others will start calling themselves IsraelWhites who claim to be Jews have taken over the African Israel and are killing the Palestinians for it.  There is no other god aside from God.  Those who speak for and support idols (money) are all ignorant and will be put to shame.  God made everything that man uses to make idols.  Israel should focus on God and make peace, rather than to worship idols such as money, nuclear bombs, and unjust alliances with powerful nations.

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