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Daily Bible Verses | July 3 | Proverbs 24 | Proverbs 25 | Proverbs 26
Proverbs Teaches Never Envy or Support Evil
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Proverbs 24:

Never lie in wait against a godly man’s house.  The godly may fall many times and still rise up, but the wicked fall to calamity.  Do not rejoice or celebrate the fall of your enemies or God will remove his wrath from himIt is a waste to envy and fret because of evil men because they have no future and will never last.  Judge fairly and never convict the innocent because the people and nations will curse and denounce you.  Never say I will pay you back or testify falsely against your neighbor without cause

Proverbs 25:

Remove the wicked and a king’s throne is established on righteousnessDo not exalt yourself among kings and nobles, rather, let them call you up.  Through patience a ruler is persuaded.  Emptiness is the man who boasts of gifts he never gave or work he never did.  Give food and drink to your enemy when they need it so that God can increase their punishment.  The godly should never give way to the wicked nor seek one’s own honor.

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Proverbs 26:

Hiring a fool or a passer-by is like an archer who wounds at random (kills his own men). It is a lazy man that says that there is a lion on the street so that he will not go find work. 

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