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Daily Bible Verses | July 4 | Proverbs 27 | Proverbs 28 | Proverbs 29
Proverbs Teaches People that Love Lies Love Wickedness
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Proverbs 27:

Do not talk about tomorrow when today is not yet over and let others praise you rather than yourself.  Anger is nothing compared to jealousyOpen rebuke is better than hidden love.  Better is a neighbor nearby that a distant brother.  Death and destruction like the eyes of man are never satisfied. 

Proverbs 28:

The wicked flees when no one pursues him - guilty conscience.  A wise man maintains order.  Those who praise the wicked forsake God’s laws because wicked and godless men hate justiceThose who build wealth through high interests save it for another who will be kind to the poor.  Men go into hiding when the wicked is in power but are elated when the righteous triumph. A dictator lacks judgment, but the one who hates ill-gotten wealth lives long.  A stingy man trying to be rich has poverty waiting for him.  He who gives to the poor lacks nothing.

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Proverbs 29:

A companion of prostitutes and parasites leads to povertyA just leader brings stability to a nation, but the one that is greedy for bribes tears it downThe godly wants justice for the poor, but injustice is profit for the godless.  Bloodthirsty men hate integrity and seek to kill the godly.  A ruler who loves lies breeds wicked officials.  The throne of the king that judges the poor fairly is always secure.  Sin multiplies when the wicked and godless thrives, but the godly will see their fall.  Never pamper your servants early, it brings grief later.  The accomplice of a thief hates himself.  Many seek the king, but it is God that gives justice.

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