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Daily Bible Verses | July 5 | Proverbs 30 | Proverbs 31 | Ecclesiastes 1
Proverbs Teaches Be Careful of Women and Alcohol
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Proverbs 30:

All men are ignorant, but God alone is wise. God please accept me before I die and do not let my mouth lie.  I want neither riches nor poverty; just my daily bread that I may not forsake God or start stealing.  The grave (death), a barren womb (sperms), and land (water) are never satisfied and fire never has enough.  Locusts have no king but they advances in ranks, while lizards can be caught by hand, but they can live in king’s palaces.  Only God is wise and knows everything.

Proverbs 31:

A king and noble man stay away from women and alcoholKings with women and alcohol forget their legal decrees and oppress the people.  Give beer to those perishing so that they can forget their anguish.  A wife or spouse of noble character surpasses money and gold.

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Ecclesiastes 1:

Everything is meaningless. A man’s labor, generations, the sun, wind, as well as the streams going round and round without end, continuously, and back to its origin.  Everything is worrisome.  The eyes and ears never have enough.  What has happened will happen again and there is nothing new under the sun.  It all happened before and even before our time.  No one remembers past generations and those coming after, the yet unborn will not remember them.  Even wisdom is meaningless and a chasing after the wind.  More wisdom comes with more sorrow and grief.  

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