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Daily Bible Verses | July 9 | Ecclesiastes 11 | Ecclesiastes 12 | Song of Songs 1
Teaches diversify  Plans, Labors, and Investments for Success
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Ecclesiastes 11:

Diversify your plans and investments because you do not know the ones that will do well or crash.  Instead of trying to study the clouds, rain, and wind, work and diversify your labor because no one knows God’s will for the future and from where success will comeA man should enjoy his many years, but must remember his days of hardship because they will be many.  Enjoy your youth, be happy, and follow your heart, but God will judge your activities.

Ecclesiastes 12:

Always remember and acknowledge God in your youth before trouble and old age comesRemember God before you die and before your soul returns to him.  The duty of man is to fear God and keep his command because God will judge every deed be it evil or good as well as seen or hidden.

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Song of Songs 1:

Come king and kiss me, for your love is better than wine and your name is like perfume.  Hurry king and take me to your chambers.  Black am I, daughters of Jerusalem and please do not be jealous. She is the most beautiful of all women and can be compared to the chariots of Pharaoh.  

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