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Daily Bible Verses | June 15 | Psalms 120 | Psalms 121 | Psalms 122
Psalms Teaches Follow money of the wicked; your children will pay
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Psalms 120:

God, answer me when I call and save me from lying and deceitful lips.  What will God do to those deceitful lips?  He will punish them with arrows and a burning coal.  I have lived with the wicked too longI am a man of peace, but now I speak of warSeparate yourself from the wicked physically and socially or you will perish like them.  Lead yourselves and have you own resources.  As long as the wicked lead you, you are bound to acquire a wicked lifestyle against God.

Psalms 121:

My help comes from God and he neither sleeps nor slumbers.  God will watch over your going and coming now and forever. If whatever you have is from you, your life of parasitism or being a sycophant to get ahead, or benefiting from unholy alliances, it will ultimately destroy you and your children.  If what you have is from God, then you are blessed and free from regret.

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Psalms 122:

I am happy with those who say we should go to God’s house, a place where God is worshipped and praisedThere stands the throne of judgment.  Many will tell you to go to the house of God because they enjoy the Satan that has taken over the place.  Only a few are left that actually go worship God because they really know God, study his word, and abide by it. 

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