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Daily Bible Verses | June 17 | Psalms 126 | Psalms 127 | Psalms 128
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Psalms 126:

When God brought back the slaves for glory, we were like dreaming men with laughter and songs on our lips.  The other nations even said God had done great things for us.  Restore the fortunes of the slaves God so that the one with tears can have songs of joy and those weeping can have seeds to plant. God allowed slavery to bring the enslaved back to God and in gloryGod will restore the glory of the godly, conquered, and the colonized. We just have to ask for it (reparations) and demand it from the oppressors in one voice.  Also, act it out without backing down or defaulting to them for some hand-outs as usual.

Psalms 127:

Unless God builds the house or watches over a city, both the builder and watchman labor in vain.  It is God that grants sleep to those he loves. Children are a heritage and gift from God. Nothing happening without God allowing it.  God may not like or approve everything, but he lets all our choices result to the benefit of all who love him eventually.  So stay strong to the end.  It is time the godly demand their reparations from the godless, build their communities, and control their resources because God is building and watching on our behalf.

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Psalms 128:

Blessed are those that fear God and walk in his ways.  They will prosper and eat the fruits of their laborYour wife will be fruitful in your house and so will your children be at the table.  Blessed is such a man and may he see his children for many generations.  The godly envies the riches of the godless instead of thanking God for his blessingsThe godless may have wealth and vast control, but their wives are usually sluts of abortion and children with many fathers, and their children are either sick or are condemned to immorality.

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