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Daily Bible Verses | June 2 | Psalms 81 | Psalms 82 | Psalms 83
Psalms Teaches the Rich and Powerful Could Be the wicked
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Psalms 81:

Sing aloud and praise God for his miraculous deeds.  God's people refused to follow God, so God left them to their own guidance.  God wants his people to worship him again, so he will defeat all their enemies, and the people will return to serve GodSometimes bad things happen to generate a greater result.  In all things, praise God  and learn from God.

Psalms 82:

God judges in the midst of the gods.  How long will God judge unjustly in favor of the wicked?  Give justice to the weak and the fatherless as well as protected them from the wicked.  The wicked lacks knowledge and understanding, they walk in darkness, and shall perish like any prince.  Arise God and judge the earth.

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Psalms 83:

The enemies of God conspire to wipe out the godly regularly.  God, please destroy them without thinking twice.  Let them be filled with shame, disgrace, and dishonor that they will know that you are God Almighty.  If you naturally do not have people craftily planning against you in order to discredit you for whatever reason, then maybe you are one of them.  This does not mean that you should go make enemies for yourself.

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