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Daily Bible Verses | June 22 | Psalms 141 | Psalms 142 | Psalms 143
Psalms Teaches Satan Use Godless To Deceive Godly
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Psalms 141:

Respond quickly when I call God.  Please guard my mouth and my heart so that I will not be attracted to anything evil, mingle with evildoers, and eat with the wicked.  Let the godly strike or rebuke me, I will receive it with honor, but I will forever pray against the wicked.  The rulers of the godless will be thrown down the cliff and their bones scattered by their graves.  I will focus on God and he will lead me to safety.  We must pray against the wicked and godless as well as denounce them publicly at all cost.

Psalms 142:

I cry out to God and I ask for mercy.  God, you are my refuge because no one cares for me and the wicked are too strong for meFree me from prison so that I can praise your name and then the godly will use your good deed for me to gather togetherThe wicked will always make trouble for the godly because that is what Satan wants them to do in order for you to submit to their wicked ways.  The godly needs God as his refuge in order to remain godly and not be led astray into Satan’s camp.

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Psalms 143:

God, please hear my cry for mercy and do not pass judgment on me.  The wicked pursue me, want to kill me, and leave me in the dark like the dead.  Deliver me from my enemies and teach me your ways.  Preserve my life God, keep me out of trouble, and destroy my enemies

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