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Daily Bible Verses | June 25 | Psalms 150 | Proverbs 1 | Proverbs 2
Proverbs Teaches Difference Between Godly and Wisdom
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Psalms 150:

Praise God in his sanctuary and heaven for his power and greatness with music, songs, and dancing.  Let everything that lives praise God.  Everything and anything that does not praise or acknowledge God is dead.  There is nothing good in anything dead among the living that amasses wealth, power, and controls the resources.  The godless offers nothing but war, poverty, hunger, and partnership with Satan against God.

Proverbs 1:

The acknowledgement and worship of God is the beginning of wisdom and fools despise wisdom and discipline.  So the godless and the wicked are mere fools.  Always listen to your parents and seniors.  When the Ku Klux Klan, Skinheads, and gangs ask you to join them in murder or the powerful ask you to fill your pockets with plunder, reject them because they only lie in wait for their own blood.  Wisdom begs aloud from the streets for the simple to embrace knowledge, but she was rejected, so wisdom will laugh when disaster fall on the fools.  The fools will soon seek wisdom, but it will be too late because their waywardness has overtaken them.  Acknowledge God to embrace wisdom now!!!

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Proverbs 2:

If you seek wisdom and understanding like money, then you will see the value of acknowledging God.  It is wisdom that saves the godly from the ways of the wicked and the adulteress, who have ignored God. No one who goes to the adulteress’ house attains the paths to life.  Follow the path of the godly for they will possess the land and live in it.  The wicked will be cut off and the unfaithful torn from the land.  To be godly is to be wise.

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