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Daily Bible Verses | June 28 | Proverbs 9 | Proverbs 10 | Proverbs 11
Proverbs Teaches Wisdom is Waste to the Wicked and Godless
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Proverbs 9:

Wisdom builds her house on pillars and prepares food for her guests.  She send out her maids and calls out to those who lack understanding and the godless from the city’s highest points to come eat with her.  It is a waste correcting the wicked, mockers, and godless, but wise as well as the godly increases his learning and loves you for the correction.  Folly also calls out at the highest point of the city and invites the same men.  They respond not knowing that they go to the house of death.

Proverbs 10:

Stolen wealth has no value, but godliness restores from death.  God never allows the godly with diligent hands to go hungry, but he eliminates the cravings of the wicked.  Memories of the godly will be a blessing, but the name of the wicked will rot.  The wages of the godly gives them life, but that of the wicked brings them punishment.  God’s blessings bring wealth without trouble.  In storms, the wicked are swept away, but the godly stands.  The prospect of the godly is joy, but the hopes of the wicked result in emptiness.

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Proverbs 11:

God hates dishonest scales, with humility comes wisdom, and wealth is useless on the day of wrath.  When the godly is rescued from trouble, it falls on the wicked and godless.  There is always great joy when the godless perished and the godly prospersThe godly gains respect, but the ruthless gains only wealthThe wicked earns deceptive wages and will be punished, but the godly gets a sure reward and will be free.  A generous man prospers, but curses go to those who live for gain and those who put their trust in riches will fall.

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