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Daily Bible Verses | June 6 | Psalms 93 | Psalms 94 | Psalms 95
Psalms Teaches the Wicked Destroys to Amass Wealth
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Psalms 93:

God reign is everlasting and he is robed in majesty.  The floods have lifted up their voice and it is mightier than many waters and seas.  God is truly mighty and his decrees are trustworthy.  Even none living things praise and worship God, but the perishing fools says there is no God because he wants no accountability for his actions as he oppresses and amass wealth.

Psalms 94:

Arise, O God of vengeance.  How long shall the wicked prosper with arrogant and boastful words?  These evildoers afflict the heritage of God, kill the widows, immigrants, and fatherless, and then say God does not know.  God will never forsake his people or heritage.  Who will stand against the wicked and evildoers because they organize and mobilize against the righteous?  God will wipe them out for their wickedness.  Only the foolish says there is no God because God is slow to action.  The silence of God is the time for the godly to strategize and mobilize for a greater day after God relegates and destroys the wicked.

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Psalms 95:

Come let us make a joyous noise of praise to God for he is a king above all gods.  Let us worship and bow down to our God, our maker.  Never harden your heart to the word of GodGod is real and should be your guide

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