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Daily Bible Verses | June 7 | Psalms 96 | Psalms 97 | Psalms 98
Psalms Teaches Follow God for Morality and Respect
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Psalms 96:

Sing God a new song to praise and bless his name.  Let us declare his glory to the nations for strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.  Ascribe to God and worship him in the splendor of his holiness.  Say to the nations that God reigns because he will judge the peoples with equity.  Follow God in the name of morality and respectThe pursuit of money eventually brings dishonor and journey away from GodRespect is always superior to riches.

Psalms 97:

God reigns and let the earth rejoice.  The heaven proclaim his righteousness, those who worship images (money) as gods will be put to shame, and let all the gods worship God.  Those who love God must hate evil.  God delivers the godly from the wicked.  Rejoice in God and give thanks to his holy name.  Let God be your wealth because money and riches will lead you to wicked and immoral ways.

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Psalms 98:

Sing a new song to God because he has done marvelous deeds that have been seen even at the end of the earth.  The seas, rivers, and hills even rejoice in God.  God will judge the world with righteousness and equity.  Do not let riches (money, women, material wealth, unholy alliance) be the reason why you unknowingly forget God.

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