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Daily Bible Verses | June 8 | Psalms 99 | Psalms 100 | Psalms 101
Psalms Teaches Justice is Fairness Not Unholy Alliances
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Psalms 99:

God reigns, so let the earth tremble.  Let the people praise his awesome name; holy is God.  Worship at his footstool for the might of God loves justice.  God's justice is fairness and equity rather than unholy alliances and favors from unjust laws.

Psalms 100:

Praise God with joy, gladness, and singing.  Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise.  God is good and his faithfulness as well as his steadfast love endures forever for many generations. Just trust in God that is everlasting; everything else is just temporary. 

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Psalms 101:

I will sing of God's love and justice with music.  I will avoid anything that is worthless and evil, and embrace integrity and being blamelessGod will destroy those that lie secretly against their neighbor and are arrogant at heart.  Morning by morning, God will destroy both the wicked and evildoers from the land.  The world is the way it is because the godly waste their time following the deceit of the wicked in order to make a livingAt the end, there is almost no difference between the godly and the godless because the godly glorifies evil and glamorize wickedness instead of following God.

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