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Daily Bible Verses | March 25 | 1 Chronicles 3 | 1 Chronicles 4 | 1 Chronicles 5 | 1 Chronicles 6
1 Chronicles Teaches Present Conditions Should Never Determine Future
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1 Chronicles 3:

The descendants of King David, sons of King Solomon, and all the bad kings of Judah we have discussed in the past few days.

1 Chronicles 4:

The descendants of Judah, son of Israel (Jacob).  Jabez was one of the descendants and he was more honorable than his brothers.  It was because he gave his mother lots of pain during childbirth that his mother give him that name.  Jabez cried out to God that he be blessed, his borders expanded, and that he would never feel pain all his lifeGod granted itJust because your beginning was sad and painful does not mean that you must remain that wayYou can use your situation as a rallying point to demand change and progress from God.  The descendants of Simeon did not multiply like Judah, but found land that was rich in pasture for their flock.  It was for this reason that Hezekiah tried to destroy them and take the land.  The Simeonites moved on to take the land of the Amalekites that were left.  Never give up.  No matter the obstacle or obstruction, always move on to something else and try to make it bigger and better.

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1 Chronicles 5:

Reuben was physically the first born of Israel, but because he defiled his father's bed, Joseph became the first born of Israel.  Joseph was actually the 11th of 12 children, but God fulfilled his dreams of his entire family bowing to him.  Despite the fact that Judah was the strongest and ancestor of Jesus, Joseph was boss.  The descendants of Reuben, Gad, and half tribe of Manasseh were men of war and were good with the sword and shield.  They won some battles, but because they forsook God and went after other gods, God made the Assyrians take them into exile.  Never forsake God or you will pay dearly.

1 Chronicles 6:

The descendants of Levi, family of the priesthood.  This includes Aaron, Moses, and Miriam. 

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