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Daily Bible Verses | March 30 | 1 Chronicles 23 | 1 Chronicles 24 | 1 Chronicles 25 | 1 Chronicles 26
1 Chronicles Teaches God's Secret Purpose For Life
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1 Chronicles 23:

King David was old and while his son Solomon was king over Israel, David reorganized the priest and the Levites into various departments and responsibilities.  The purpose of life is to leave inheritance for your children and not just demanding respect and obedience from them.  In previous chapters, King David wanted to build God's temple, but God wanted Solomon to build it instead.  David still went ahead to make sure he got all the building materials ready for Solomon, so that he does not start from zero.  Now that Solomon is king of Israel, David still goes on to organize the workers of the house of God in his old age.  One less thing for Solomon, his son, to worry about.  We must leave inheritance for our children so that they have an easier life than we did and not start from the same level we started fromThis is God's progress

1 Chronicles 24:

King David arranges the priest and assigns them their duties.

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1 Chronicles 25:

King David organizes the musicians. 

1 Chronicles 26:

King David assigns the gatekeepers, treasures, and other officers.  

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