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Daily Bible Verses | May 10 | Psalms 12 | Psalms 13 | Psalms 14
Psalms Teaches Atheism is For the Unwise
Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  -   Please LIKE us on Facebook 

  Psalms 12:

The godly are no more, all now tell lies to survive.  God, please cut of the boastful lying lips and put the needy in safety where he belongs.  Guard us in this generation from the prowling wicked people.

Psalms 13:

God, how long shall you hide from me and forget me?  Why would you allow my enemy to be exalted above meAnswer me or my enemies will think they have succeeded over me.  I have trusted in your love and rejoice in your salvation because you have dealt bountifully with me.   

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Psalms 14:

Only fools say there is no God, do abominable things, and believe no one does goodGod looks down from heaven to see if any man seeks him, but man has become corrupt (through the quest for money and favor from man-made laws).  Evildoer eat the poor like bread and mess their plans up, but God will give the poor refuge for he dwells in the generations of the righteous.

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