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Daily Bible Verses | May 15 | Psalms 27 | Psalms 28 | Psalms 29
Psalms Teaches God is King and Always Gives Peace
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Psalms 27:

God is my light, salvation, and stronghold.  Though I have many enemies and wars against me, I shall not fear.  All I seek from God is to dwell in his house forever and to admire his gloryI feel confident and secure in the house of God against all my enemies.  Teach me your ways and keep me in your secure path. 

Psalms 28:

God hear me when I call or I will be like the wicked who fall into pits without GodThe wicked believes there is no God, so he can do as he pleasesHe speaks good openly, but evil dwells within.  God, please pay them for their deeds.  God, the refuge and strength of the anointed, save and protect your people.

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Psalms 29:

All heavenly being should worship God.  The voice of God is powerful and majestic.  God is king forever and he blesses his people with peace.

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