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Daily Bible Verses | May 26 | Psalms 60 | Psalms 61 | Psalms 62
Psalms Teaches Why the Life of the Godly is Hard
Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  -   Please LIKE us on Facebook 


Psalms 60:

God, you have rejected us because you are angry and have put us in hard times.  You have provided a safe place for the godly.  God has spoken and we will tread upon all our enemies. No matter the opposition, neglect, and rejection; as long as you are good and follow God, celebrate it with joy because "plan B" or "plan C" will end in triumph over your enemiesMay your enemies live long to celebrate you.

Psalms 61:

Hear my prayer and cry God and lead me to a high tower that I may be safe from my enemies.  Let me dwell in your tent and under your wings for safety.  Prolong my life that I may endure all generationsThe life of the godly is not easy because the rich, powerful, and mighty who control the world's resources are against the godlyThe must defeat the godly in order to convince the world that Satan's way is inevitable.

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Psalms 62:

I wait for God in silence because he is the only salvation.  Always trust in God because the wicked speak good but plan evil, but for how longThose with low estates are a breath while those with high estates are a delusion which are actually lower than a breath.  Never put hopes on extortion, robbery, or riches.  Power belongs to God and he gives man according to his work.  So it is better to manage little and spend time with God than to control much and become god on earth

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