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Daily Bible Verses | May 29 | Psalms 69 | Psalms 70 | Psalms 71
Psalms Teaches God is Slow But Never Late
Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  -   Please LIKE us on Facebook 


Psalms 69:

Save me God because water has risen to my neck.  My powerful enemies are more that my hair.  They lie against me and want me to restore what I have not stolen.  God, do not bring shame to those who follow you because of me.  God, you know my enemies who give me poison for food.  God, please let them have no peace and let their punishment be many.  Let everything in heaven and on earth praise God.  On earth, the godly are disturbed by the wicked, but they must hold on to God to be victorious.  God is slow, but never late.

Psalms 70:

God, make haste to deliver me from my enemies.  Let them turn back in disgrace and in dishonor.  Let all those who seek God rejoice and be glad.  God never delays in delivering meGod is there for all to call upon him in times of need.  Only the fool says there is no God.

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Psalms 71:

God, please be my rock and refuge that I may continue to come for safety.  My mouth is filled with your praises because the wicked gather to consult about me to destroy meThey say God has forsaken me and I have no protectorGod has taught me since my youth, God have made me go through many troubles, but God will bring me up again.  I will always praise God with music.  The best times are the hard times.  It is then that you praise God with music and singing so that you can look back to see how far your prosperity in God has come.

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