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Daily Bible Verses | May 7 | Psalms 3 | Psalms 4 | Psalms 5
Psalms Teaches Fear Nobody and Prepare for Scandal
Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  -   Please LIKE us on Facebook 


Psalms 3:

David wrote this when he fled from Absalom, his son.  How many enemies do I have that are rising up against me.  They even mock that I have no refuge in God.  God is my shield, glory, and lifter of my head (honor) and God answered from his holy hill.  I slept and woke, God sustained me, and I am no longer afraid of the thousands of enemies against me.  Save me God, by striking my enemies on the cheek and the wicked by the teeth.

Psalms 4:

God, please answer when I call.  You gave me relief from distress and please hear me.  How long shall men run after lies and turn my glory into shame?  God answers when I call and he has set the godly for himself.  Be angry but do not sin, talk to God silently, and put your trust in GodGod has put more joy in my heart than when there was plenty of wealth.  I sleep in peace with God because he makes me dwell in safety. 

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Psalms 5:

God, hear my cry and help me.  God dislikes wickedness, boastfulness, lies, deceit, and bloodthirstiness.  I will enter your house through your steady and abundant love and lead me in my righteousness because of my enemies.  They have no truth in their mouths, their inner self is destruction, and their throat is an open graveLet them pay for their guilt God and fall by their own counsel.  Let those who follow you and abide by you sing and rejoice as well as be covered by your shield.

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