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Daily Bible Verses | May 8 | Psalms 6 | Psalms 7 | Psalms 8
Psalms Teaches God Protects, Delivers, and is Majestic
Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  -   Please LIKE us on Facebook 


Psalms 6:

God, please do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath.  Heal me from so much pain and trouble, and how long will it take?  Protect me because of your steadfast love for who praises you when they are dead.  I fill my bed with tears because of my problems and my enemies.  Run away from me workers of evil for God has heard my prayers and answered them.  You shall all return in disgrace and shame.

Psalms 7:

God, please deliver me from my enemies.  If I have done wrong to them, then let them succeed over me.  Rise up God against my enemies and judge my integrityEliminate the wicked and establish the godly.  You are a God that shields, saves, and are righteous.  The unrepentant and wicked will perish and the mischief they possess will fall against their headsThey are filled with lies and they will fall in the pit they dig.  Thanks and praises to God almighty for your righteousness.

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Psalms 8:

God, how great is your name in all the heavens and the earth? Even the strength to withstand your enemies comes out from the mouths of infants (prayer & praise)When I see the work of your hands as well as the stars and moons in their places, I wonder why you even worry about the affairs of man.  Despite the fact that man is a little lower than the heavenly beings, you put him in charge of everything on the earth, which includes animals on the land, in the sea, and in the air.  God, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

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