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Daily Bible Chapters | November 12 | Romans 11 | Romans 12 | Romans 13
What Does the Bible say about When Israel will belong to God?
Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  -   Please LIKE us on Facebook 

Romans 11:

Paul is from the tribe of Benjamin and he claims that God never left Israel because God will always save a remnant of Israel by grace and not by works, like God did in the time of prophet Elijah.  According to King David in Psalms, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make the Jews envious because of their sins against God.  According to Isaiah, all Israel will be saved someday after they come to God (though Jesus) and stop their disobedience in holding on to the Laws of Moses.    

Romans 12:

The spiritual act of worship to God is to keep our bodies holy and pleasing to God. Focus on your spiritual gifts through faith, such as prophesying, serving, teaching, encouraging, contributing to meet others' needs, leadership, or showing mercy.  Learn to love, be hospitable, be humble, bless and not curse, and try to be at peace with everyone.   


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Romans 13:

God has established all authorities and we must submit to them. Authorities are God's agent to administer justice. Give everyone what you owe them, such as taxes, revenue, respect, and honor.  Love is the fulfillment of the law because it does not do harm to his fellowman by breaking the law.  The hour of salvation is near, so let us place on the armor of light.  Let us stay away from immorality, drunkenness, quarrel, and jealousy in order to get closer to Jesus.

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