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Daily Bible Chapters | November 28 | Philippians 2 | Philippians 3 | Philippians 4
What Does the Bible say about How to Know Who Has God's Spirit?
Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  -   Please LIKE us on Facebook 

Philippians 2:

Do nothing with self ambition or for vanity, but rather be humble and be united in Christ in love and Spirit.  Put community before self and greed in order to be Christ-like.  Jesus was God by nature, yet made himself a servant for man and was obedient to death, even on a cross or tree (a curse or an abomination). God elevated Jesus above all things created and all shall bow before him and confess that Jesus is Lord to God's glory.  It is God who works in us to carry out God's will and action for God's purposeAccomplish everything without complain or arguing so that you will be blameless as God's children is a wayward generation and shine like stars of the universe. One who only looks out for himself is not of God or JesusA pastor, gospel singer, or Jesus lover who never gives, shares willingly, and always does things for self and never for community interest is not of God.        

Philippians 3:

It is good to repeat yourself in order to emphasize what is important to others.  Be careful of evildoers and those who profit merely for the flesh.  We are the ones who worship God in the Spirit, glorify Jesus, and have no regards for things of the flesh.  Every accomplishment of the flesh is a waste and vanity compared to knowing Jesus - occupation, income, race, children, education, influence, power, or nationality are ultimately irrelevant. Earthly accomplishment is regulated by human laws, but righteousness that comes from faith in Jesus Christ is from God.  Our goal is to be Christ-like, which is knowing the power of the resurrection of the dead, fellowship in suffering for Christ (shunned for being unique), becoming like him in death (dying in godly nobility and in truth), and attaining the reward of resurrection (for eternal life).  Many are enemies of Christ and are destined for destruction.  Their god is their stomach (selfish ambition based on greed), their minds are settled on earthly things (money, power, promotion, titles, & influence), and their glory is their eventual shame. We are citizens of heaven awaiting Jesus to put everything under his control so that we can be elevated to be glorified with him. 

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Philippians 4:

Rejoice in God and be gentle always.  Do not be anxious about any worldly thing (job, money, promotion, relationship, owning a home, or imprisonment), but make your request to God in prayer and thanksgiving.  The peace of God that understands all things will guide your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ.  Practice whatever is true, pure, noble, right, lovely, admirable, excellent, as well as praiseworthy, and the God of peace will be with you (stay away from people who say that there is nothing right, no truth, do not judge, or every and anything is relative.  That is the foundation of satanic attack to derail your life way from God).         

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