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Daily Bible Verses | September 20 | Obadiah | Jonah 1 | Jonah 2
Jonah Teaches Jonah Ask God for Forgiveness By Faith
Bookmark Daily Bible Reading Calendar By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu  -   Please LIKE us on Facebook 



Obadiah had a vision with God saying that Edom (descendants of Esau) was so despised among the nations that God was going to make other nations to attack Edom by belittling Edom.  Although Edom feels like the eagle and star in the skies, but God was going to bring Edom down.  Those who allied with Edom shall chase him away, those who had peace with him will deceive and overpower him, and those who eat with him will kill himGod is punishing Edom because of his violence towards Israel (Jacob), their brother

Jonah 1:

God asked Jonah to go to the great city of Nineveh and speak against it because their wickedness had to be addressed by God, but Jonah got on a ship to sail away from both God and Nineveh.   So God brought a great storm against the ship to the extent that they throw all the cargo off the ship to make the ship lighter and each passenger had no choice but to call on their gods for help.  So they caste lots to see who was responsible for the storm against them and it fell on Jonah.  Jonah then explained his disobedience and advised them to throw him into the sea to calm the stormThis they did, and Jonah was swallowed by a whale appointed by God for 3 days.

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Jonah 2:

Jonah prayed to God from the stomach of the whale asking for forgivenessDespite his disobedience towards God, Jonah believed that he will see God’s face and temple again because God always hears his voice whenever he called on God

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