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Eat African Snacks to Get African Wisdom in 2023
By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu
May 1, 2022

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Since Africa is the origin of all of humanity or mankind, I believe that it is fitting that all of humanity enjoy African snacks in exchange of African wisdom. African wisdom can come in form of a book or CD to give the person enjoying the African snack an African perspective or thinking about many situations of life. African-Americans or Black Americans can use this as a way to reconnect with Africa during Kwanzaa, Juneteenth, and Black History Month.

Enjoy these African snacks below and get a taste of Africa in exchange of African wisdom that helped to build western civilization. These snacks will lead you to a new and different way of thinking and we hope will bring you prosperity in your education, work, and business. For just $25, you can enjoy both the African snack and a gift of African wisdom with cost of shipping included. Buy an African snack and enjoy a gift of African wisdom today!!!

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(African flavored baked flour)


(African flavored coconut candy)
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(African flavored popcorn with nuts)


(African flavored plantain chips)