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MORAL FREEDOM: A Gift from Egypt to the World
By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu
February 12, 2011



Now I know that Egypt is a blessed land even from Biblical, historical, and civilization terms.  The Ancient African Egyptians were not just the first recorded civilization and world power, but they also gave use science, writing, astronomy, the sphinx, the great Pyramids, and off course the mighty Pharaohs. 


Today, the oldest free nation on African soil (got independence in 1922) aside from the return slave colony of Liberia,  has not only shown the world what true democracy is , but have also shown all super powers that every nation belongs to the people and not puppet presidents or royalty.  African Egypt, the first recorded world power and human civilization that even once contended with God over the enslavement of the African Jews, removed their dictator leader, Hosni Mubarak, after 30 years to prove that no condition is ever permanent.  True or moral freedom is not ordinary words or written laws that are meant to enrich a political or economic few, but rather, it is the action of many to enrich the body, mind, and soul of all regardless of race, gender, or religion. 


Egypt again has pick up the medal of leadership and humanity in the modern world on African soil to reject an ally of the world strongest nations, who worked against their interest, for freedom to define their country and leadership without the curse of colonization or stagnation external religious dominance.   If Africa, the Middle East, and the rest of the poorer nations are smart, it will be in their best interest to topple all their presidents as well as royalty and destroy the shackles of colonization once and for all.  After all, the only true free nation, such as America, is the nation that defines itself and chooses its own leadership without external influence.

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