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Empowering Africans from Abroad; Job hunting & Money
By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu
May 2007



One of the ways to drastically change a person or a society is through the written word that is read, understood, and applied.  This is how the Bible transformed Europe and its citizens from the poorest continent to the most progressive one. 


We Nigerians/Africans need to stop sending money all the time to relatives in Africa.  Money every now and then is okay, but not to the extent that it encourages dependency, eliminates productivity, and pacifies them from fighting for their rights.   


I intentionally wrote a book titled “Living with a Peace of Mind” for our people’s consumption and empowerment, but unfortunately, my distributors have informed me that it is mainly the Christian Europeans that are buying the product.  Is this a case of Blacks don’t read or a case of Blacks do not want advancement only hand-outs? Our people need to start reading and understanding that the strength to bring progressive change to our communities comes from the inside out.  We are poor because we are not developed from within, so we attract results and conditions that are just like us. 


I am not trying to sell the book; I am more interested in using the right tool for the right job hunting or creation.  The job here is our people need to be more self-reliant and move forward.  The tool here is a motivational and inspirational book to change our people from the inside out.  Please get copies and send them to your loved ones at home.  Our job is to enhance them from within with the knowledge that we have acquired abroad and encourage them to become productive wherever they find themselves.  You can get the book titled “Living with a Peace of Mind” at Amazon, Borders, and Barnes & Noble Bookstores.  I believe Amazon currently has the best discount at:




God bless.


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