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2023 Dental and Cavity Solution
By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu
August 24, 2013

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Chewing stick, also known as organic toothbrush or teeth cleaning twig, is a great tool for dental hygiene. This means that you can be the "dentist near me" (you as your own dentist). It takes about 10-15 minutes to get a clean mouth and it gets to every part of the mouth.  Organic toothbrush is used like a mop to clean each tooth at a time (front, back, under), as well as the gum lines and in between each tooth. Teeth cleaning twig basically takes the place of a floss, tongue scrapper, toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash for your dental needs. 

The chewing stick also lasts for about a month, it is made from a tree branch, and helps to sustain the environment from unnecessary carbon emission in producing modern dental cleaners. Organic toothbrush prevents gingivitis, plague, cavity, bad breadth, and keeps teeth white.  The stick has to be chewed first at the tip until it is soft and ready for use as a tooth mop. You are the "dentist near me" and real dentists will admire you whenever you visit them because they will love and appreciate your dental hygiene.

Those interested in environmental sustainability, green energy, as well as winning the fight against cavities and dental problems should see this as a strategy of living a green friendly lifestyle. 

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We can ship African chewing stick to you for just $20.00 for 10 sticks (packaging, shipping, and taxes included). 

Lets take a stand for cleaner mouths and teeth!!! Embrace natural dental and cavity solutions!!!

Help Sustain the Environment in every way!!!

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