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What Can Children Learn from VP Dick Cheney? - Barack Obama, Political, Economical, & Social
By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu
August 31, 2009


Two important things that children around the world can learn from former Vice President Dick Cheney is that it pays to be good and to be considerate of others irrespective of race, religion, gender, or class.  Whenever you find yourself in a position of power, be it economical, political, or social, it is always wise and responsible to conduct yourself in a justified manner regardless of who comes after you.  

In the eight years Cheney was in office, we hardly saw him in public and he hardly ever spoke.  In just seven months after leaving office, he seems to be unable to stay away from the political blunders he left behind.  Now, he is disturbing President Barack Obama because Attorney General Holder wants to probe the CIA activities that occurred under his watch while he was in office. 

Children must realize that you sleep on your bed the way you make it, and you will always receive a future report of blessings or disappointments based on how you performed earlier.  While President Jimmy Carter, President Clinton, and Vice President Gore, who were in office before him, are going around the world receiving accolades, Cheney is running around worried about how President Obama may expose him. 

Cheney had eight years to do his job, but gave us nothing but a broken economy and global distrust for America.  My advice to Cheney is that he should learn from his colleague, President Bush, and cleverly hide his face of failure in disgrace.

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