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Domains Yahoo is the Best
By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu



I personally would recommend that if you are interested in creating your own website to get you domain name from Yahoo.  You can get a domain name from Yahoo for just $9.95 per year.  Despite the fact that there are other companies that may provide this same service for half the price; they are not are credible and reputable as Yahoo.

Yahoo is not just a global brand name, but have millions of people around the world that enjoy its email services and have been very reliable for years.  I am even a yahoo user and I have been with them for almost 20 years now. 

In addition to Yahoo domain services, Yahoo also provides 24 hours customer service support over the phone and over the internet.  They can even assist in creating a webpage for you if you are not technically able, and they also offer Domain forwarding as well as Domain locking.  Private domain registration and complete DNS management are also added benefits that should encourage you to go with Yahoo Domains.

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Aside from domain names, personal and business emails are also available.  You will also have access to easy site design tools, unlimited site storage, and unlimited data transfer with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. 

Do not hesitate!!!!  Get your Domains from Yahoo Now!!!!

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