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  I cannot describe my emotions right now
But I know it is more of anger than hate.
Many, like me today have this fate
Of not knowing exactly whom to blame.

The family has its own demons
And the society from whence they come
Does, in no way help.
People die by the thousands daily
Of diseases that should have for long be checked.

The world around us has not been helpful either.
What, in God's name are we doing up there?
Up there in the moon?
Or even farther up in Mars?
We seemingly create problems that are non-existent.

The earth needs taking care of.
Many like Ivie would have appreciated a vaccine,
Instead of wasting it on non-beneficial projects.
Lives can still be saved
if we make a u-turn at this point.

George Uwaifo
"Poems of Conscience"
Copy Right 2006
  The Political & Spiritual Purpose of the Holy Land
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