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President Obama and Health Care as Human Rights
By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu
September 11, 2009



We are requesting an interview from all newspapers and TV stations worldwide that receive this e-mail to interview us about the annual “African Slavery and Holocaust Memorial”, which will be taking place on Sunday, October 18, 2009 in all 50 states at 6:00PM local time beside the State Capitol Buildings. 

We have invited various human rights organizations across the country and our aim is to light about 1000 candles beside every State Capitol Building.  The purpose is not only to commemorate the victims of the greatest human holocaust – African Slavery, but also to denounce all forms of violence, discriminations, women’s neglect, and crimes against humanity. 

We also would like to use this opportunity to support President Obama’s determination to make affordable health care available to all Americans because we see affordable health care as a mandatory human right for all Americans and all peoples.   We are inviting everyone to come out and light a candle to remind the world and all Americans that no people should ever suffer any form of abuse, discrimination, or neglect in our civilized societies again.   We will be having a press conference next early month.

Below are the links to our memorial last year:  

Memorial in Atlanta: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nES3E1ib4N4 

Washington Times: http://www.aimiuwu.com/html/washtimes.htm

Pictures of DC Memorial: http://www.aimiuwu.com/html/wash08.htm


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