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How Obama Can Stop Unemployment Among the Poor
By: Ehimwenma E. Aimiuwu
December 10, 2009



According to Leonard Zeskind in the Huffington Post, the unemployment rate in November 2009 in America was 10%, while the unemployment rate for Whites was 9.3% and15.6% for Blacks.  Dion Haynes of the Washington Post stated that the unemployment rate of young Americans was 19.1%, but 34.5% for young Black men.  

Many believe that Blacks, especially the men, refuse to get education, are lazy, and love crime.  In reality, Blacks in America are not expected to be producers or well paid workers, but rather, be consumers and wealth generators for others.  Many Blacks have given up looking for jobs.   This is not just because they have unemployment periods that last longer that their numerous jobs, but rather, the employment system do not really want them to have income.   A man systematically unemployed tends to loss his pride and submits to becoming a cheap laborer even as a prisoner. 

Many Blacks have settled for home-based businesses even if some are illegal.  This is because it gives them more honor as regular producers rather than irregular employees.  Many Black home-based businesses need capital to mass produce or advertise beyond their unemployed customers around them.  What President Obama needs to do is encourage the unemployed to register their home-based businesses and give them the bail-out money instead, so that they can become small businesses that hire their own in their neighborhoods.  This is the only way to legitimately have Blacks employed rather than Affirmative Action or EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission).



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