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Seven rotations of the earth ago
A human being was aborted.
No one said anything.
Two days later Abortion clinic burnt down.
It was in the daily news.
The Doctor of abortion assassinated.
People mourned.
Today, Doctor's assassin killed by cops.
People rejoiced.

Which is more important or more valuable?
A human being or a worthless abortion clinic?
How come people mourned at the death of
An abortionist and not at that of the assassin?
Are they both not murderers?
Have you forgotten that
A man that kills with the sword
Shall perish by the sword?
Just as the abortionist murdered the baby,
So was he assassinated by the assassin
And the assassin was killed by the cops.

Since the abortionist and the assassin
Are on the same boat,
We either let it sink or float.
Why not help the police
Take a bite out of crime
And let that boat sink.
Away with these abortionists!
Away with their cold blooded clinics!
And let our beautiful babies live.


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                         AIMIUWU, EHIMWENMA .E.U. AUG. `94.