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  Behind what rock, under what gravel or grain of sand
Or into what rabbit hole did you hide?
You this Slave that thinks he is free.
What man dares tell me that he is no slave to water
Let me lock him in the desert for a year or two.
Then I will even prove to you
That you are a Slave to death.

Well, I am a new Slave;
For I have discovered something precious
Most Slaves have not.
A light of holiness and righteousness
And the hope for the resurrection of the dead.
So, I urge you all to please come join me.
Together, we might be slaves to many things in the flesh
But, they will be inferior to our souls at the end.

Who are those Philosophers of this rotten age?
Who are those intellects of these wayward times?
Who are those foolish scholars of this ignorant generation,
That attach negativity to Slaves?
Where are they hiding their empty heads?
For who has not been a slave since the beginning of existence?
Please find them! I need an answer to my little question,
And I know they can never give me one.

If to be a Slave is really negative,
Please help me Lord, For I am crazy!
For I would rather be that closed minded, humbled slave in Christ
Than be an open minded, arrogant and confused child
In this retarded ball of freedom.


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