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  There are a thousand tears
Over that flesh about to be swallowed
By the earth six feet deep.
To the innocent eyes of observers,
Those shedding the tears all mourn
For the death of a loved one.
But only God
Knows why they weep.

You see that rich clothed preacher,
He weeps due to loss of membership.
That man over there does not know
Where food is coming from tomorrow.
The wife of the dead one
Has some property battles with her in-laws.
That fat contractor at the corner
Just lost a million-dollar contract.
The dead man's assassin, standing over there
Regrets he shot the wrong man.
Look, that beautiful beauty queen
Is lost between abortion and adoption.
Even the vultures cycling the sky
Are about to see their food buried.

There are a thousand tears
Over that flesh about to be swallowed
By the earth six feet deep.
But only God Knows why they weep.
And the flesh about to be swallowed
Does not even care.


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                                                      Aimiuwu, Ehimwenma Sept. '96 .